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Ne2x Virus Maker v1.0

Ne2x Virus Maker v1.0 | 24 Kb
Working with this program is super easy !!!
1). chose you virus name on middel secetion Ex: register.bat or any name you like from the list happy.

2). what kind of virus you want make you chose from up secetion, what just you need to do is click on one of those virus (circle) and virus make and virus maked in Ne2x Virus Maker V1.0 Folder !!! so easy .

3). if you got cod and you want make it just put your cod on text box where is writing (Your Owns Virus Cod Here www.Yahoo-Inc.At.Ua & and chose you virus name from list I give to program and after you did that just click on Make Virus !!! ,Thats it my friend...

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